More firsts

September seems to have more firsts than Playmobil parts on my floor and THAT, my friends, is saying something. (As you well know, Katy and Kate, my two primary sources.)


Henry, age three. First day of nursery school with his nursery-school bag. I think he would fit inside.

Today’s first brought to you by a happy nursery school boy who climbed into my arms this morning and said, “Today? Is today nurfree school?”

He might as well have tacked a FINALLY, FOR THE LOVE OF PETE on the end there, because after a home visit from two of his three wonderful teachers last week and the delivery of his special school-assigned bag, each day has started with a request to go to “nurfree school, today!”


Yes, sweet Henry, today is the day. He sauntered into school with his bag over his shoulder, and completed the details of arrival (fresh fruit in the bowl there, bag on the hook there, name in the box there, washing hands there) like an old pro. (Which he kind of is, having observed it for the last two years with Will.)


However, it is all his today, and he couldn’t be more excited to get started. He kissed me, waved goodbye with a smile, and got back to playdough and observing the classroom’s two feathered friends, Abbott & Costello.


Can’t wait to go pick him up and hear all about it!

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Anna Sawin

Anna Sawin is a Connecticut-based portrait, wedding, and editorial photographer. She lives in the shoreline town of Stonington with her family and has discovered the perfect cupcake. Just ask, she is willing to share her secret.


  1. Feuza on September 14, 2009 at 11:12 am

    So cute! my eldest just started soccer, he is not old enough for school, missed kindergarden date, but he loves school! these are such timeless moments to cherish always

  2. carrie on September 14, 2009 at 12:18 pm

    Yeah, Henry! I’m so glad it is your turn and you are so excited about it. Those pics are ridiculously cute, Anna!

    We just got back from our “visit the class” and Addie just wanted to stay there until Wednesday….I’d say she is ready to go back.

  3. Kate on September 14, 2009 at 12:25 pm

    Hooray for Henry!! And just a side note, Playmobil Vet Clinic is waiting for December for him….All 100 pieces. I know, I know, Andrew and Bella will be receiving much in the way of payback coming down the line! Can’t wait to hear all about the first week at Nurfree School!

  4. Jess K. on September 14, 2009 at 3:51 pm

    These pictures are so gorgeous and I just can’t wait to see this nurfee school bound boy in person!

  5. B. on September 14, 2009 at 5:41 pm

    Go Henry!

  6. Melissa on September 14, 2009 at 6:50 pm

    Yeah Henry! I am sure Nurfree School was just as excited to see you as you seemed in those photos to see everyone there! Can’t wait to hear all about it! When did you become so grown-up my little man?

  7. Rush on September 14, 2009 at 7:48 pm

    Soooo mom. Are you okay with all this?

    Way to go Henry!

  8. Liz on September 14, 2009 at 8:05 pm

    Oh my goodness…what a big boy, looking a bit like Daddy these days. The pics are gorgeous and capture every bit of his excitement! P.S. Love the oversize personalized Bean preschool bag 🙂

  9. Maria on September 14, 2009 at 8:18 pm

    As Tommy would say, “Go, Henry, Go!”

    Henry’ s a doll..

    To echo Godfather Rush, So Anna, doing okay?

  10. Christina on September 14, 2009 at 8:57 pm

    So, do we get to hear about the first day now, too??

    Yay Henry! He looks SO ready for it. But wow, that bag almost steals the show. I hope it’s big enough….

  11. Chrissy on October 13, 2009 at 9:43 pm

    Aww, how sweet. It’s great he was excited. And I can’t tell you how much I love that blue door. 🙂

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Anna Sawin is a Connecticut-based portrait, wedding, and editorial photographer. She lives in the shoreline town of Stonington with her family and has discovered the perfect cupcake. Just ask, she is willing to share her secret.