Lego Love

In case I EVER forget what it is like to have two Lego-loving boys in the house. You know, in 1,000 years when the last one is finally picked up and not embedded in the bottom of my feet. Remind me about this photo and how this is just a scene from everyday life.

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Super boys

Kids around here (like Will and his visiting friend) can jump pretty high…. higher than a HOUSE, even. This kept them occupied FOREVER!  They just love the instant gratification of digital cameras. They kept checking their progress to see how high they could fly. Then they enjoyed the soft green grass, you know, when you…

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What happens when you leave your children with me

It all started so innocently. They wanted to play house with a giant box that we keep in the basement for cabin fevery winter days. We decided painting it with finger paints and handprints would be a great idea. Then we ran out of finger paint, so they continued work on their color palette with…

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Food Friday: A Roundup of Summer Birthday Cupcakes for Kids

Poor Henry—he’s been two for a few days and we haven’t yet given him any chocolate cake to shove in his face yet. (I did make good on my chocolate promise and gave him a few chocolate chips before bed on his birthday. “YUMMY!” he reported.) We celebrated with ice cream and presents this week,…

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Feeling fun and funky

Having fun altering reality with these super funky (at least for me) vintagey, color burst and sepia Photoshop actions by lovely and amazing photographers Laura Pearce and Ree of Pioneer Woman. Thank you for sharing them! It takes an ice cream outing to get these two to stop moving. What’s your favorite funky foto technique?

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Milk face

So Stacy over at Land of KA is an excellent and generous photographer who shares photo tips each week on Saturdays, and then encourages you to put them into practice at Theme Thursdays each week. I am rarely organized enough to make a photo that would emerge from my camera meet the theme of the…

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I know, I know

At least I left you with something delicious in my absence, hmmm? I  have something else delicious for you today.   I just downloaded photos from a wonderful weekend with my college roommates (as a warmup for our 15th college reunion this year, eek!) and I can’t wait to look through them and see what…

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Somehow, I thought I would have one before him

Henry is a chatter. You would think both his parents are brokers (NOT) the way he naturally picks up any phone-shaped object, slaps it to his ear and shouts, like he’s at the bottom of a well, “Hellllllloooooooo!” He walks around talking animatedly, rapid-fire, on his toy phone, pausing only long enough to switch ears,…

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