It’s a win for Hillary, plus Wednesday Book Nook
Well folks, it looks like Hillary really is in it to win it. I’m not entirely decided on who I am voting for in my state’s primary, but I sure was glad to see the women of New Hampshire deliver a win for Hillary. As I whispered in Henry’s ear during our morning cuddle, he will never know a time when women didn’t run for president. And he might even have the chance to grow up assuming a woman is just as likely to lead our nation as a man.
Not sure who you’ll be voting for in your primary yet? A friend of mine passed on this cool online tool, the Electoral Compass, an easy, quick way to survey the issues and see where you stand—and which candidate is most closely aligned with your views. It also tells you who you AREN’T aligned with. Evidently Fred Thompson and I don’t agree on much.
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In other news, I’ve been on a huge reading bender recently, so here are a few recommendations for you.
I stayed up way too late reading A Thousand Splendid Suns, by Khaled Hosseini two nights in a row this week, and tired as I was, I couldn’t put it down. It’s devastating and magnificent, heartbreaking and ultimately finds some moments of triumph. I liked The Kite Runner, but I loved this rich story, focused on two Afghani women and their relationships, set against the truly war-torn background of Kabul in the last 30 years. Oh, and don’t read the NY Times review of this book beforehand, because it gives THE WHOLE STORY AWAY.
For something completely different, try Loose Lips, by Claire Berlinski. The cover is misleading—this is no trashy romance novel, but instead details the inner workings of the CIA from the viewpoint of trainee Selena Keller. And it is SO believable! Think she really was an agent? Read it and see!
And for something, well, also completely different, read The Violin Maker, by John Marchese. I’m not a musician or a craftsperson, but this was a great, very quick, nonfiction read about a world-renowned violin maker in Brooklyn, and his quest to better the Stradivarius. (Sort of–it’s not that simple, but I can assure you, it is interesting even if you don’t know anything about violins, music or woodworking.)
Local friends, I’ll return the first two to the town library after my husband finishes them, and I have The Violin Maker on loan from my mother-in-law if anyone is desperate to read it.
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Anna Sawin is a Connecticut-based portrait, wedding, and editorial photographer. She lives in the shoreline town of Stonington with her family and has discovered the perfect cupcake. Just ask, she is willing to share her secret.
Apparently Fred Thompson and I do not have much in common either.
And I can’t wait to read A Thousand Splendid Suns. As soon as I finish The Nine – a compelling (no, REALLY!) look at the Supreme Court.
i just read a thousand splendid suns for a moms book club and it was a love/hate relationship. the story was very good, but i frequently had to put the book down and take a break because i was either horrified, or my stomach was in knots! i also stayed up late at night-knowing i was going to really regret it at 5 am when the kiddos start rising-but i couldn’t put it down. i’ll have to check out the other books, but for now i need something really light. janet evanovich here i come!
I know what you mean, Amy, I couldn’t sleep one night after reading it! And I regretted it every night since 5 a.m. does come early!
Janet Evanovich is perfect for light reading.
Also, you might like the Elm Creek Quilters series, check it out.
All those books sound great. Right now I’m 2/3 through “The Other Bolyn Girl”, courtesy of KZ. She’s going to make me a history buff yet! Like Phillipa Gregory’s other books, you absorb history without realizing it! All in all TOO MANY BOOKS. TOO LITTLE TIME as they say.
I don’t think Fred Thompson has anything in common with anyone with a vagina!
Thanks for the book recommendations. I just finished Mr Darcy Takes A Wife which is the strangest combination of Jane Austin and a trashy romance novel. It was entertaining if nothing else.
I just finished reading (and loved!) A Thousand Splendid Suns– it was amazing! In some ways, I liked it better than Kite Runner. What a terrific author.
And I love Janet Evanovich, too! I even got to meet with her and chat a little bit with her and her daughter on her most recent booktour.
I always love finding someone new with similar tastes in reading material! 🙂
Anna — thanks for the book suggestions. I may need to read these fast…
As far as politics — I am SO HAPPY that Hillary won in NH and I hope she makes it all the way!!! Yeah!!
I’ve been wanting to read A Thousand Splendid Suns for awhile (esp because I really enjoyed the Kite Runner).
That’s so exciting to think that your son will never know a world without women running for President. I was pretty jazzed last night to hear the results.
Loved A Thousand Splendid Suns. And hated it. And loved it. Well, you get it. And thanked God and my lucky stars that I grew up somewhere where women are valued. And you know, running for president. 🙂 I can’t decide between Sen. Obama and Sen. Clinton…
BTW, I replied to your comment on my “New Talent” post…and guess who was sans PJs AGAIN last night. OY!
was the worst part after the failed escape? i guess it wouldn’t have bothered me (as much) if the child wasn’t involved.
That political survey sounds like a great resource, but for some reason the page won’t load for me. bummer.
Thanks for the book reccomendations! I haven’t been reading so much lately, and I miss it. Sounds like A Thousband Spendid Suns is an especially phenomenal book!
You know, it’s so funny that you wandered over to my blog from casey’s. Yesterday I wandered over to YOUR blog from casey’s. I read your comment on her kitchen gadget post, and thought, Now there is a girl who sounds awesome. Ha ha Then I got distracted by my kid or something, and so never got around to commenting on your blog.
Thanks for the book recommendations. I am always on the lookout for good books to read. Apparently browsing through the library shelves and picking out covers that “look cool” is a fast way to check out a lot of crap.